Airport codes

Airport codes Wisconsin, United States (US)

RegionWisconsin (Read more about Wisconsin)
CountryUnited States (Read more about United States)
ISO country codeUS
Comm Meml Hosp Heliport 22WI
COMMUNITY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 44° 51' 53.969" N 088° 07' 42.368" W
Community Memorial Hospital WS21 43° 06' 30.034" N 088° 09' 35.328" W
Corinth Airport WI54 44° 59' 57.881" N 090° 08' 58.483" W
Cornell Municipal Airport 2H3 45° 09' 55.880" N 091° 06' 20.510" W
Cornucopia Field WI23 46° 51' 59.755" N 091° 05' 00.671" W
Corvallis Municipal Airport KCVO CVO 44° 30' 0" N 123° 17' 0" W
County Rescue Services Heliport 4WN7 44° 28' 16.173" N 087° 59' 39.370" W
Courtney Plummer Airport 9WN1 44° 06' 24.936" N 088° 41' 02.399" W
Covered Bridge Fields Airport 1WN2 43° 19' 45.013" N 087° 59' 50.325" W
Cowgill Field Airport 94C 43° 26' 59.947" N 089° 15' 00.417" W
Cranberry International Airport WN66 45° 51' 04.831" N 089° 27' 04.497" W
Crandon Municipal Airport Y55 45° 30' 59.867" N 088° 56' 00.409" W
Crane Field WI21 44° 54' 34.862" N 091° 14' 30.545" W
Cranmoor Airstrip Airport 55WI 44° 19' 04.867" N 089° 58' 07.463" W
CRASH IN INTERNATIONAL 42° 47' 36.066" N 087° 53' 26.287" W
Crispy Cedars Airport 7WI8
Crites Field/Waukesha County Airport KUES UES 43° 1' 0" N 88° 12' 0" W
Crivitz Municipal Airport 3D1 45° 12' 51.912" N 088° 04' 21.379" W
Cub Acres Airport 6WI0 45° 10' 49.863" N 091° 59' 15.644" W
Cub Bear Airport 85WI
Cumberland Municipal Airport KUBE UBE 45° 30' 21.493" N 091° 58' 51.913" W
Cunningham Airport 2WN6 44° 31' 46.863" N 090° 25' 09.484" W
Curns Airport 2WN3 44° 21' 28.344" N 088° 45' 40.980" W
Cylon Heliport 14WI
Dalonia Airport 32WI 44° 18' 58.933" N 088° 42' 03.385" W
Dane Airport WI65 43° 13' 19.971" N 089° 28' 05.429" W
Dane County Regional Airport-Truax Field KMSN MSN 43° 08' 23.488" N 089° 20' 15.049" W
Danielson Field Airport 1WN3 45° 12' 42.700" N 092° 32' 09.700" W
Darlington Aviation Inc Airport 9WN8 42° 39' 20.006" N 090° 06' 30.452" W
Davies Airport 2WI8 43° 35' 50.990" N 087° 46' 44.315" W
Deer Haven Ranch Airport WI60 44° 49' 57.960" N 088° 27' 47.370" W
Del Monte Airport WI51 43° 19' 16.960" N 089° 19' 15.419" W
Der Schwarzwald Airport 5WI3 43° 12' 27.980" N 089° 01' 01.393" W
DESMET 42° 56' 42.995" N 089° 53' 56.444" W
Devils Island CGLS/WOS 29Y
Diderrich Ranch Airport WS44 45° 32' 11.882" N 090° 42' 17.521" W
Diedrich Sea Plane Base 11WN 43° 21' 14.950" N 089° 34' 16.430" W
Dillenburg's Airport 8WI1 44° 45' 12.926" N 088° 43' 41.370" W
Dinnerbell Airport 61WI 43° 42' 29.973" N 088° 17' 08.362" W

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